Savory spice health benefits

Savory spice health benefits  

A delicious ready to use spice mix with cumin, ginger, fennel, turmeric, etc that boosts digestion, cleanses impurities from the body and is used for calming & lightening your mood.

This can be used as an early morning drink in water, a dip, and salad dressing or simply sprinkled over dales, stews, curd or any other dish to perk them up.

Cumin is said to be the vital ingredient in the Middle Eastern Cuisines. The Savory spice health benefits  of Cumin includes better digestion, improved immunity, treating skin and respiratory disorders, aiding insomnia, asthma and several other health problems. It is also used for calming & lightening your mood leading to a better mental health.

One of the most important Savory spice health benefits of Cumin that is used on a daily basis as an everyday home remedy for digestive issues and calming properties.

Ginger has been used traditionally for a long period of time. It has the abilities to fight against flu, cold, nausea and also helps in improving your digestion adding to its Savory spice health benefits. It is vital in treating morning sickness and providing active and fresh state of mind. It works towards calming the muscles and reducing the muscle pain and also eradicates soreness. It plays a vital role in lowering the blood sugar levels in the body and also reducing menstrual pain.

Healthkarma Turmeric: An extremely effective, high in cur cumin, tridoshic herb with possible benefit of liver detoxification, purifies blood, controlling inflammations, treating skin conditions, managing insulin resistance, joint pains etc.

It has been used since ancient times due to the medicinal and calming properties it has. The primary antioxidant used in turmeric is curcumin. Turmeric is vital in helping with stomach issues, metabolic disorders, obesity and calming the body.

Savory spice health benefits  

Curcumin is said to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which plays a vital role in delaying the onset of Type 2 Diabetes

Fennel helps in the smooth regulation of blood throughout the body. It is enriched with potassium which helps in controlling the blood pressure as well as the heart rate adding to its Savory spice health benefits. Fennel also helps in clearing sinus through its calming properties.  Fennel seeds are also enriched with Vitamin A which helps in improving your eyesight. It has both cooling and calming effect on your body. According to Ayurveda, it works towards calming the nerves and promoting and stabilizing overall mental health.

The HealthKarma Spice mix is a remedy for all your health problems with a good taste to the tongue. It is enriched with all the components beneficial for better health. The calming properties of the HealthKarma Savoury Mix help in mental clarity and stabilize the overall health leading towards a better and healthy lifestyle.


  • Serving Size – ½ teaspoon
  • Add to bread dough
  • Use as a early morning drink in water.
  • Mix it with olive oil as a dip or salad dressing.
  • Sprinkle over dals, strews, curd or any other dishes to perk them up.


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